Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dotty Pedi

The morning of July 4th the girls went to get pedicures. There is a place by our house that boasts "kids pedicures" so we gave it a try.

Dotty was super excited. She of course thought it was like going to the doctors - because of the chairs and the latex gloves...that girl has some sort of obsession with doctors! But she loved it. She got her beautiful toes first and waited patiently while the three of us finished ours.

She kept asking,'you having fun mummy?' and saying,'this is so much fun'. I think she was half trying to convince herself since she had to wait so long. But she was very excited by the results.


Sarah said...

She is such a girly girl I love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my niece would never have sat still long enough to get her nails painted!! Dotty is amazing!

Shalie said...

What a fun time for Dotty! I wish I could get a pedicure :) How's the new baby?

The Lund Five said...

where is that place? I think it would be fun to take my girls to get pedi's.

mere said...

Emily - Its in the strip mall next to the Smiths down on 134th. They have two chairs - perfect for your two girls!