I find that I never get tired of reading others' birth stories. So I thought I'd post about mine and then hopefully get some juicy ones in the comments.
Now apparently mine was pretty easy.

The hardest part about my labor was that it didn't come. My due date was jan 7th so my mom and anne flew out on the 6th with plans to stay until the 15th. After my appointment on the 11th my doctor said that I couldn't be induced until that monday (the day my mom had to leave). This was heartbreaking and horribly stressful. But the good news was that I needed to go to the hospital on friday for some monitoring since I was overdue. To check on my fluids. When I finally got admitted and they ran some tests, things looked okay but they decided to keep me anyway and just induce me right then. Hallelujia!

They start inducing me with some cervical gel around 8pm with plans to start pitocin around midnight. By midnight I was so advanced that I ended up not needing the pictocin but I did need an epidural. The nurse was reluctant since she didn't want the epidural to stall my labor. Little did she know I was already transitioning, I was just a little too quiet about things. My contraction monitor had fallen off unknowingly and so she couldn't tell that they were intense and two minutes apart. She suggested that I wait a couple of hours for the epidural but I didn't want to do that. So they gave me the epidural and in a coupld hours I fell asleep. Somewhere while sleeping they gave me some oxygen since the baby was a little distressed. Then at 5am I woke up and could feel her coming out. She was. I woke up Cory who get woozy and borrowed my oxygen mask. Then 40 minutes later the baby came. I said "I like her a lot" the nurses laughed.

I asked if I tore and the doctor just said "look at your baby." meaning you delivered a heffer of course you tore. I said she looked like Cory and Cory said she looked like me and the doctor said we were crazy since we look exactly the same how can we tell? I asked if I should try and feed her and they said why not? She started eating right away.
I miss that day. It was so fun and then we just got to hang out together at the hospital for a couple of days. We hang out these days too, but it just will never be that way again. Blissful baby days. I love it.
I'd love to hear all your stories. Even if I've already heard them.