Saturday, April 28, 2007

daddy day care

Yesterday I interviewed for a great job that would pay significantly more than what Cory is making at DCWV. If I get the job, we are considering having Cory stay home with the Dot. This would be great for him since it would give him all the time he needs to get his wedding film business off the ground.
I wouldn't start until nine every morning and so I would have a good amount of time with the baby before I leave. What I'm most concerned about is how to continue breastfeeding. I hope they won't mind me going to the bathroom for 10 minutes every three or four hours.
Also, I don't want Cory to expose Dot to too much Halo 2.


Stephen + Lauren Reber said...

I think we live in a society that is currently very breast feeding friendly--I'm sure it would be just fine to do whatever you needed to keep it up.
Good luck with making that decision. I hope you get the job.

mere said...


sarah said...

my office has a special "breastfeeding lounge" where all the working moms go to pump. maybe your new job will have one too! :)

mere said...

sadly utah is years behind oregon. i really doubt it would. in my dreams...

m. said...

orem nordstrom had a place for moms to pump. you never know..
hope you get it!