Thursday, January 15, 2009

Silent Night

This is the best video I could get of Dotty singing her favorite new song "silent night". It is January 15th and she still listens to it while she falls asleep.

Note: I love how the video camera chord is so obviously a scarf to her.


Anonymous said...

That is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Dotty is so awesome!

TDawgYo said...

Cuuuuuute! I like how she emphasizes 'peace' before taking off.

Egan Metcalf said...

Mary, she is a little pitchy. I mean come on. ;) (I don't even know what I am saying)
Haaa! I love this!

Gilly said...

Glad to see the repetition is paying off, and that she is still obsessed with that song!

Elisa said...

That is just plain delicious!!

Have no idea where I surfed from to get to you.. I LOVE your blog title and header!!

m. said...

i don't know how i missed this post. that is the cutest thing i have ever seen. i think we need to be around you guys more often...

mere said...

meg- you totally need to hang out more! We still have never been to your house! we should come over.